Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Difference between a community prayer and a self-improvement session

Turkey has done a good thing by reducing the frequency of Namaz (Islamic prayers) from the present five per day to three per day .

There is a dire need to eliminate community religious prayers altogether in all religions.

It is not only the question of paucity of time, that haunts us, but also the danger of community prayer houses becoming breeding houses for terrorism or else money spinning super markets.

In lieu of the community prayers, we can have daily "self-improvement family sessions".

At present chiding of children is taking place on dining tables or before the TVs.

Parents realise little that it is counter-productive to stir the emotions of children while they eat their food.

The difference between a community prayer and a "self-improvement Session" is worth recognising.

Prayer depends on and urges for God's grace.

Self-reformation Session is a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat Analysis).

By undergoing SWOT analysis and Self-Improvement review, a person can go for reconstruction of character, habits, personality and skills.

Family members constructively help in this process. There will not be mutual recriminations.

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